Assembled Original Prusa i3 Plus printer
You can find a picture of an assembled Original Prusa i3 Plus printer with description in pict. 1 - next page of this handbook. Unlike the printer kit it’s completely assembled and almost ready to print. After plugging in and necessary calibration you can print the 3D object in the matter of minutes after unpacking the printer. Keep in mind you can use our support email when you purchased the assembled printer. Do not hesitate to write us if you need any advice or help. We will gladly help with any specific prints.
3D printers use two different diameters of a filament (you find more in chapter Materials): 2.85 mm and 1.75 mm. 1.75mm version is more used worldwide though there is no difference in printing quality. Filament is provided on a spool where you can find the basic information - filament maker, material (ABS, PLA, etc.) and filament diameter. 2.85 mm filament is commonly called as 3 mm.
This printer supports only a 1.75 mm filament. Please check the filament diameter to be 1.75mm before inserting into the extruder. Do not try to insert wider filament it could damage the extruder.