Product details

Title: Original Prusa i3 Plus / Original Prusa i3 Plus (kit)

Version: 1.75 mm

Manufacturer: Prusa Research s.r.o., Prvniho pluku 621/8a, Praha 8, 186 00, Czech Republic

Contacts: phone +420 222 263 718, e-mail: [email protected]

EEE group: 3 (IT and/or telecommunication equipment)

Device use: indoor only

Power supply: 90-135 VAC, 2 A / 180-264 VAC, 1 A (50-60 Hz)

Working temperature range: 18 °C (PLA)-38 °C, indoor use only

Working humidity: 85 % or less

Kit weight (brutto / netto): 9.8 kg / 6.3 kg

Assembled printer weight (brutto / netto): 12 kg / 6.3 kg

Serial number is located on the printer control unit and also on the packaging.